Stirling was a great trip! Another group in my program and I stayed with an old woman named Margaret who had lived in Stirling her whole life. She was widowed and not only had grandchildren but also great-grandchildren all living in Stirling. She was very sweet and told us multiple times how much she enjoyed her vodka : ). While we were there the group of students I was with went to the Stirling Castle and the William Wallace monument (and we climbed all 247 steps to the top!). The view from the monument was beautiful but coming down from the monument was very dizzying as it was a winding spiral staircase. Stirling is known as the smallest city in Scotland and the gateway to the Highlands. Saturday night some of the students went to the 1314 pub, which we then realized was an old man pub, but we had a fun time anyway. Scottish Cougars were out in full force and attacked the guys that came with us, which was very entertaining. I really enjoyed the trip and am looking forward to going to Loch Lomand next weekend with the Butler group.
This Friday I have my first essay due for Scotland, Britain and Empire and am writing about the Union of 1707 between Scotland and England forming Great Britain. It is very interesting to the Scottish perspective of history as in all the history classes I have taken Scotland was never separated from England. I will let you know how the essay goes and will add more pictures after Loch Lomand.

The William Wallace monument--sorry it is sideways!

From the top of the monument

It was very windy at the top!

A mug from the gift shop that I loved for Charlie and Murphy!

More westie stuff from the gift shop!

Stirling Castle--notice the difference in color from the renovated portion and the untouched portion. Originally it was the lighter color and has weathered to the grey color.

I was officially made Princess--I always knew I was meant to be a Princess

The Scottish Cougars stalking their prey
Love y'all and miss you! Please email me and keep me updated on what is going on back home.
We always knew you were a princess, too! We miss you!